Donations will go to ordering products that the food bank has any shortages of, such as; fresh fruit and vegetables as well as other essentials like diapers or baby food. Part of the donations go the day-to-day costs of keeping the place running and to building maintenance.

Local petting zoo
The local petting zoo is going to use the donated money to a educational program for schools, activities for young children, maintenance of the petting zoo and keeping the amount of animals at the right levels.
Contributors Partypopper bonanza stream!
TOTAL partypoppers vault – 168
TOTAL partypoppers stream – 356
TOTAL partypoppers combined – 524
Anonymous (€30 – 2)
steffopolonio (€30 – 4)
kenywoo (€10 – 1)
emsydi Emma (€10 – 1)
Spintwix (€250 – 36)
Richi 23 (€69,69 – 10)
David Labowsky (H) (€500 – 99)
Casinolandstreming (€30 – 5)
Daniel van G (€10 – 1)
Wolf Spirit (€10 – 1)
Blazing Hardware (€10 – 1)
bakkis_ (€60 – 8)
Andrew Bates (45.29 – 8)
Neil Harvey (€10 – 1)
Snazzy Sazzy (€20 – 2)
Theslotbeasts (€150 – 16)
Christine Ann Wharton (€20 – 2)
RickTheGamePlayer (€30 – 4)
Whats Up (€150 – 21)
dizzybird11 (€20 – 2)
Jeffrey Brandt (€20 – 3)
Nas (€30 – 6)
Smily (€10 – 1)
Azael (€20 – 3)
nice_la_nice_la (€3 – 0.3)
DebraWentworth (€10 – 1)
Josef (€10 – 1)
Sarah Jane Jones (€20 – 2)
J S (€10 – 1)
Paapcity (€20 – 2)
Timendegraaff69 (€10 – 1)
Ston3ros3 (€10 – 1)
Happyman13 (€10 – 1)
Paljas075 (€10 – 1)
Niko Taimioja (€10 – 1)
Loppeline (€30 – 4)
Frank Vijgeboom (€20 – 3)
Fuzzmeister (€20 – 6)
Spenny024 (€10 – 1)
Supersmasks (€101,80 – 11)
Ingmar Klaasen (€2 – 0.2)
Michael Meyes (€105 – 15)
Matschoman (€10 – 1)
timboaa (€10 -1)
lucy james (€11.68 – 1.2)
michymoomo0 (€30 – 3)
chrisfleming9 (€20 – 3)
Wilbert 12 (€20 – 3)
Girlonfire Joyce (€120 – 13)
Princesslonesome (€20 – 3)
Bhellz (€20 – 3)
Gerben1982 (€37 – 3)
Vincent (€40 – 5)
Eelco (€50 – 5)
Terry Gray (€300 – 43)
Mine37388 (€200 – 29)
PJB 123 (€276 – 39)
Se7 Slots (€330 – 48)
Daafreestyle (€10 – 1)
Simon Sparding (€10 – 1)
Monkeyboy79 Mark (€30 – 3)
A special thanks to
For sponsoring with 9 awesome T-shirts!
For sponsoring with a very very very cool hoodie!
My brother
For making all the graphics for the partypopper bonanza!
Donation packages
Every donation will contibute to a progress bar. The more donations, the bigger the bar.

Every donation till the 19th of december will put the amount of partypoppers for your donation in the vault.
On the 19th we will pop 10% of the vault each hour!
There will be a 10% partypopper bonus for the total amount in the vault!
TOTAL partypoppers: 168 (152 +10%)
Giveaways for the PartyPopper bonanza!

Countdown giveaway!
Upload a picture of a clock, alarm, watch or any other device that displays time to enter the giveaway! Let’s countdown together and win some awesome merch! For this giveaway there are 3 CasinoRing shirts! Two amazing known designs and one brand new design! The winners will be announced before the bonusopening of the PartyPopper Bonanza! Enter the giveaway here

Donators raffle!
When you donate to the vault or the PartyPopper bonanza you have a chance to win awesome merch! Every partypopper donated (minimum €10) has a chance to win CasinoRing shirts (two awesome known designs and one brand new design) OR a very cool Yggdrassil hoodie! The winners are announced at the end of the PartyPopper Bonanza!

Guessing competition!
During the PartyPopper Bonanza there is a possibility to guess the outcome of the €4000 euro bonushunt! The three people closest with their guesses win awesome CasinoRing merch (two well known awesome designs and one brand new design)! The guessing competition closes before the bonus opening and winners will be announced after the bonusopening!